魔法石(旧时被认为能使其他金属变为金银或能使人长生不老的仙石) an imaginary substance that, in the past, people believed could change any metal into gold or silver, or could make people live for ever
After a bumpy start, the three become best friends and use their respective strengths to save the Philosopher's Stone from Lord Voldemort. 一开始三人明显谈不到一块儿去,但经历过了打倒山怪的出生入死,从此结为挚友,并用三个人的智慧勇气和团结,从伏地魔手中保住了魔法石。
Philosopher's stone ( it was formerly believed by alchemists, would change any metal into gold) 点金石(旧时炼金术士认为能使金属变成黄金的物质)。
Did Albus Dumbledore set up events so that Harry Potter would go after the philosopher's stone? 阿不思?邓布利多是否有意安排,使哈利?波特去追寻魔法石?
Have you ever heard of the philosopher's stone? 你听说过贤者之石吗?
During the year, Harry and his friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger become entangled in the mystery of the Philosopher's Stone which is being kept within the school. 他入学的头一年,学校替人保管了一块神秘的魔法石。哈利和好友罗恩•韦斯莱、赫敏•格兰杰被卷入宝物所引发的重重谜团之中。
A stone is a stone, but sometimes it can be a philosopher's Stone as in the Harry Potter tale, with magical power to brighten all the gloomy souls with whom it comes in contact. 一块石头就是一块石头,但有时它会变成哈利-波特故事中的魔法石,具有神奇的力量,使所有接触过它的沮丧的心灵都变得欢快起来。
The old alchemists sought the philosopher's stone which was to transmute base metals to gold, and an elixir of immortality; 过去的炼金术士试图寻求能把贱金属变为黄金的哲人之石,另外还有长生不老药;
If you know to spend less than you get, you have the philosopher's stone. 如果你得到一个坏一个,你会成为哲学家。
If Quirrell hadn't been after the Philosopher's Stone, it wouldn't have been moved from Gringott's to Hogwarts ( initiating the main plot); 如果奇洛不去盗窃魔法石,它就不会被从古灵阁转移到霍格沃兹(开始主情节);
Cultural Default and Its Translated Strategies& Illustrated with Chinese Version of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Translated by Su Nong 文化缺省及其翻译策略&以《哈利·波特与魔法石》苏农汉译本为例浅析《红楼梦》中的文化缺省及其翻译
An Analysis of Some Mistranslations in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone from the Perspective of Context 从语境角度分析《哈利波特与魔法石》中文版本的误译
In particular they sought a fanciful substance called "the elixir of life", a powerful medicine which was to cure all illness, and which some people thought would turn out to be the same substance as" the philosopher's stone ". 他们特别是要寻求一种名为“长生不老”的奇异物质,一种能治百病的灵丹妙药,而且有些人认为事实将证明这种灵丹妙药和“哲人之石”是同一种物质。
And he seeks the Philosopher's Stone. 因此,他在寻找“贤者之石”的下落。
Power of Philosopher's Stone 魔法石的力量
Original explore the antetype of Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone 《哈利·波特与魔法石》原型初探